Wednesday, January 4, 2012

what was with last night?

I have been going back and forth about starting a blog after reading all the wonderful, funny and heartwarming things that I have read on those of my friends. But last night's events cemented the fact that even seemingly mundane events, like sleeping, bring a certain level of surreal craziness in the Woinarowicz household and I just knew, it was time to start writing.

So, last night's events...we have a miserable, teething baby at our house so Harper (6 months) has not been sleeping much the last few nights. I fully expected her to wake up a few times, which she did. Cayden, on the other hand, is my rockstar sleeper. When he is ready to sleep, he sleeps and sleeps soundly. He must have been tired because he fell asleep watching "Monsters and Aliens" at about 6:30. Any of you moms out there with a young kid know that panicked feeling when you realize your child has fallen asleep at a crucial time and it is not quite certain if they will stay asleep until morning or if they will wake up just as you want to fall asleep and, as a result, you will both be up until the wee hours. Thankfully, Cayden was staying asleep. Now when I say he sleeps soundly, I mean it. I vacuumed and cleaned up his room all while letting his tv continue to play its movie and he slept through it all...YEAH!

However, in between Harper's crying demands for cuddling Cayden woke up crying to tell me he was soaking wet (or "soaker wet" in his language). I went into his room fully expecting to have a soaking wet pull-up to change in addition to pajamas and bedding. This was not the case. His pull-up was completely dry while the rest of his surroundings were, in fact, "soaker wet." How does that happen? Still not exactly sure how that worked, I got him and his bed changed and settled back in for the night only to have him wake up again a few hours later telling me he was "soaker wet." Again, I went in to his room and found a totally dry pull-up while everything else was wet. How is he doing this? I know I checked the new pull-up I put on him the last time and everything was in its proper place.

I have been pondering last night's pull-up mystery all morning and I still have no clues as to what happened. Looks like this one will remain a mystery and I will be keeping my fingers crossed that this was a one time (OK two-time) deal.

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