Friday, January 13, 2012

bathtime and bedtime

Bathtime and bedtime are two things in our house that I look forward to and dread all at the same time.  I love seeing the kids interact with one another when they are in the tub, that is when Cayden agrees to get in and with his sister in there too, but it can sometimes turn into more of an adventure than I wanted to have to deal with that night.  Our latest involved the inflatable ducky tub, a plastic cup, the iPad and Facetime with the Uncles.  Cayden decided that he wanted to see Addy and Bun so we tried to Facetime with them on our iPads but, of course, they didn't answer or call back until we were in the middle of bathtime.  During this bath, where I did answer the Facetime and have to hold the iPad the entire time so Cayden could see the Uncles and himself while in the tub, but we also had to maneuver the ducky tub at the same time.  The inflatable tub was purchased to move Harper from the infant tub but also to keep her slightly more confined than she would be just in the big tub.  That was a brilliant idea...not so much!  Cayden discovered the duck behind the shower curtain and felt that it was not only a good idea but completely necessary that he get in the ducky tub (which he outgrew about 2 1/2 yrs ago).  Pretty sure both kids don't fit in there together so poor Harper had to be removed from the duck into the regular tub, only to have her wonderful big brother decide to poor a big cupfull of water over her head and then tell me to get her out when she started crying.  Here are a few pictures to give a visual of what our bathtime was like.

Bedtime is another adventure that usually involves Cayden instructing Mommy that "you have lay down with me" and Mommy then lying to him saying I have to go potty, put on my jammies, take my eyes out, etc so that I can sneak out and he can fall asleep.  Lately, however, he has been so tired after long days at daycare that he has been falling asleep really early and staying asleep all night (most of the time).  That is why I decided that it was time to start getting Harper to fall asleep on her own and hopefully, getting her to sleep through the night.  I have been laying her down with her fuzzies (very important in our house), her blanket from the Uncles and her ladybug nightlight on shining purple stars all over her room.  She has cried a little and I have had to go back in there a few times to hold her for a minute or two but we have been successful and now have a baby sleeping through the night.  YEAH!  I say this to everyone but when it comes to the game of getting kids to sleep at night, Mommy always wins in the end!

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