Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2011 recap

2011 was a roller-coaster of a year fill with extremely high highs and equally low lows.  Through all of the craziness we managed to stay togetherm stay strong and stay in love with each other and our family.  Here is a little recap of what 2011 was like in the life of the Woinarowicz family.

Woinarowicz Family Top 10 Craziest Experiences of 2011

10. Jacob got an offer to run the Paradiso restaurant in Bismarck 2 weeks before our baby girl was due and we would be moving at the end of the summer.

9. Our Yukon started on fire about 7 miles south of Grand Forks while Jacob was hauling a trailer load of our belongings to Bismarck.  

8. Jacob had to use diet Mountain Dew and a pair of his shorts to put the Yukon’s fire out.

7. Gracie, our German Shepherd, became an escape artist figuring out how to jump on a section of our fence and pop out the post to get out of the back yard.  Apparently, her Houdini-like skills have stayed intact at the Four Paws Inn as well because they keep finding her out of her kennel visiting all the other dogs.

6. Cayden became a full blown hoarder.  Our theory as to the cause is that it’s due, at least in part, to the fact that Mommy would pack up a bunch of his belongings after he went to bed and then tell him that his stuff would all be at his new house.  Unfortunately, there has been a 3 month gap in time between packing and the new house and none of those things he asked about have shown up yet so he now takes everything he owns and spreads it out on his bedroom floor so it’s all in full view at all times.

5. Our builder’s crew poured the wrong type of foundation for our house.  Thankfully it was an easy mistake for them to correct and just in time for the foundation to sit with no progress for 6 weeks.  (Sorry, that one was sarcastic)

4. Cayden made a surprise trip to the ER with “Gamma” and Daddy the night before Mommy was being induced because he ate some of “Gamma’s” Correctol thinking it was candy.

3. What Jacob thought was a bad reaction to his flu mist vaccine ended up in a week-long hospital stay for blood clots in his chest.  I know this one isn’t funny either but it was one of the craziest things that happened this year.

2. We found out that our house would be done one week before we had to be out of our apartment, four days before Gracie and Molly were out of room at the Four Paws Inn and just in time to be able to have Christmas in our new house. YEAH!

1. Harper Davis joined the Woinarowicz family on June 10th.  This event alone, although extremely exciting and a very happy occasion in its own right, is not the main reason it is number one on the list.  The crazy part about her joining our already circus-like home is that she was born with a full head of hair.  I never thought that would happen.

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