Friday, May 25, 2012

happy bouf-day to mommy

Yesterday was Mommy's birthday (yes, I am actually going to admit it) and I officially entered the last year of my 20s.  I'm not gonna lie, I did start to have a mild inner freak-out until I actually started thinking about everything that happened to me in my 20s.  I graduated college, went to and graduated from grad school, met the love of my life, got married, had two babies, moved three times (including one big move across the state), did some fun traveling, spent lots of great times with my amazing friends and made some equally amazing new friends.  All-in-all, the last 9 years have been pretty amazing so here is my resolution for the last year of this chapter in my everything you can to make it just as amazing as the previous 9 and make sure to enjoy every minute of it.  And, if my 30s end up even half as great as my 20s have been then I am ready for it and am even slightly looking forward to it (but don't hold me to that when, upon arriving at my 30th birthday next year I totally freak out)!

DQ cake (Jacob's tradition for my birthday).  There are no pictures of me with the kids because as my b-day present from the, they both went to bed early.  THANK YOU MY BEAUTIFUL W BABIES!

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