Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I know that everyone has been waiting on pins and needles to hear how my weekend of dedicated, no-giving-in potty training went.  I hope that by the title of this post, you have figured it out...WE WERE VERY SUCCESSFULL AND HAVE AN ALMOST COMPLETELY POTTY TRAINED 3YR OLD!!!  Of course the weekend did not go without a few crying, melt-downs about wanting a dry pull-up (or one to poop in), one peeing on the basement floor incident and a few accidents (all of which happened while he was on his way to the bathroom, go Monkey) but in the end, he did it and did it so well without needing a bribe.  He even refused to put on a pull-up at bed time the last three nights, told me he didn't want a pull-up on when he woke up to find that Mommy had snuck one on him at some point during the night and this morning he woke up completely dry. 

We also discovered that apparently his picky-ness about what he wants to wear also apply to underwear because he absolutely refused to wear anything but boxer shorts.  What did he do, you ask, when his all three of his boxers were wet and in the laundry?  He opted to go commando under his pants (sweat pants, obviously).  I guess my big boy would rather go naked than wear briefs.

After two full days of success, I even got the crazy idea to take my newly potty trained son out on the town for a while to really test our progress.  Trying to be prepared I loaded up the diapter bag with all the spare (and newly clean) pairs of boxers, extra pants and treats for a reward should he not pee in the car and off we went.  For over 2 hours we were in the car, at the chiropractor and at Scheels and he never had an accident.  He also refused to use any of the public bathrooms I took him in to to try, but I guess I can't blame him for that one. 

In addition to all of the potty training craziness, that usually involve Mommy running to wherever Cayden was and then high-tailing it into the bathroom, Harper decided that she was going to work on cutting her second tooth (which is almost up) and start trying to walk along the couch.  She managed to take one-two steps each time before falling down but she was doing it and was so proud of herself too.  I guess all she needs for motivation is for Cayden to pile his blankets, pillows, stuffed animals and toys on the couch for her to try and go after.

Here is our weekend in review:

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