Friday, February 17, 2012

Harper...Miss Davis if you please

I was looking back on my blog posts so far and Cayden and his antics seem to be dominating most of what I am writing.  Poor Harper.  I am going to correct that now.  Here is an update on Miss Davis:

My baby girl was 8 months old on February 10th and she continues to amaze me every day.  She is crazy active and incredibly determined to go where she thinks she needs to be.  She has been crawling for about 2 months now and for the last few weeks she has been pulling herself up on everything.  Unfortunately, her amazing motor skills are developing to the horror of her big brother who does not want her anywhere near anything of his especially now that Harper views his room as the promised land.  No matter where we set her down in the house, it is a guarantee that she will make a bee line for Cayden's room to see what she can find.   

That whole determined attitude has definitely seeped over into her eating habits.  She absolutely refuses to eat any form of pureed vegetable but continues to love fruit and cereal, preferably mixed together.  We have also been giving her bits and pieces of our meals to try and I have discovered that teeth are completely unnecessary for eating almost anything.  No food will be off limits to her now that she has finally started cutting teeth.  Her first one finally broke through the gum earlier this week and the next one is visibly not far behind.  We are working on getting her to drink out of a sippy cup too but all that seems to be doing is further irritating her brother because now she goes after his too. 

I can already tell that the next few years are going to be very interesting with these two but I love watching them interact, no matter what they are doing.  It's especially funny and amazing to watch Cayden talking to Harper trying to reason with her, teach her something or show her something.  It is obvious that she love her brother too as she gets the biggest smile on her face when she sees him.  Seeing how their relationship has formed in such a short amount of time has made me one proud mama!

 Here is Harper with her big girl cup. She mostly just throws it around but she is getting the hang of drinking out of it.

She is very determined to pull herself up on her activity table and it took all of two tries before she mastered it.  She does, however, get mad if she forgets how to get herself down.

 Don't be fooled by the pile of carrots on her tray. She ate two bites before she decided that was it and hasn't touched them again. Nice try Mom!

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