Friday, February 17, 2012

my love/hate relationship with the weekend

Working all week long usually makes me look forward to the weekend, whether we have nothing or lots planned.  However, along with these two (sometimes three) glorious days away from work can also come a long couple of days with crabby kids, little sleep (remember the days when you were able to sleep past 7am?) and laundry and of course some weekends are better than others.

Last weekend was actually fairly uneventful with Daddy working Saturday and Sunday and me home alone with the kids but we did a lot.  We spent our time preparing for Valentine's day.  I know it's a pretty minor holiday but it's the first one being settled into our house so I decided that I would make it a good one.  I baked brownies for the kids to take to daycare for their party, I made red velvet cupcakes for work and I made some pretty awesome goody bags for the rest of the daycare kids (see the weekend in review collage for my favorite project).  I also did a lot of cooking which made for some pretty awesome leftovers.  I am afraid that this weekend will not be quite as fun since I have decided that we are going to really hit our potty training efforts hard.  It will more than likely involve a lot of exhausting screaming, crying, hair pulling and temper tantrum throwing for both Mommy and Cayden but it needs to be done and I am not above using any form of bribery and/or trick I can think of to make it happen.  Wish me luck!

Here is our last weekend in review:

What started off as an attempt to trim the front of Cayden's hair so it wasn't completely covering his eyes turned into a complete hair cut.  Mommy did a darn fine job though.

The little boxes are the finished product to my favorite craft project from the weekend - little matchboxes covered with construction paper, decorated and filled with M&Ms. I may have to use this idea again.

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