Friday, June 7, 2013

mama turned 30

Yes, it's true and I am going to openly admit it.  I am 30!  Not gonna lie though...I haven't been that OK with this number as it crept closer and closer.  But now that the day has come and gone and did I survived, I am starting to feel better about it.  I am sure that when I am in my 40s I will look back and think "what the hell were you so worried about" but for now, I am struggling and I'm not really sure why.  30 doesn't feel much different from 29 but it just sounds so much older.  Maybe I am struggling because my 20s were so amazing?  They really were!  I had the best time in college after 20, I graduated from college, got my Master's degree, got married, had two of the most beautiful babies on the planet and so much more.  All that amazingness (not sure if that's really a word but oh well) is a lot of pressure to put on this new decade.  I have to say though, it definitely started out amazing!

In order to have my mental break-down in peace, I took the Friday of my actual birthday off from work.  Who wants to work on their birthday anyway?  At midnight, yes I was still up, I started getting some of the nicest texts and FB messages from friends and family.  I did send the kids to daycare (insert mommy guilt here for not being at work but not keeping the kids home with me) so that I could have the whole day to do whatever I wanted.  Mom took me shopping and spoiled me rotten, followed by sushi (yummy!) for lunch and a little more shopping.  She made sure to tell everyone we talked to that it was my 30th birthday too (thanks Mom, did you realize that made us both sound old?)Grandma and Grandpa came over to have crab legs for dinner (yummy!) that night and we had a great day.  The day after my birthday, I got the biggest surprise ever.  Jacob threw me a surprise party.  I was completely clueless and was incredibly surprised.  I also have to admit that I asked the dumbest question ever when we got to our house and I was surprised.  I turned to J and asked him if the friends we had just been out with were in on it too.  Really?  Like it was just a big coincidence they asked us to go out on the very same night he planned a surprise party?  Apparently turning 30 didn't make me any smarter.  I also got the sweetest present from my far-away friends who couldn't make it.  A bag full of 30 things that made them think of me or that they thought I would like.  Each item had a note referring to a memory or inside joke and every single note made me laugh or cry or both. 

So, I may not be in my 20s any more and I may not totally be OK with it yet but my 30s have definitely started off pretty great and it doesn't look like that will be changing or slowing down any time soon! 

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