Monday, May 20, 2013

just stay put

One thing that I discovered as a parent is that kids really do thrive on routine.  The more you can get them on to a fairly set schedule, the better your days will be for everyone.  It is not always possible though and things like travel can disrupt a routine fairly quickly.  My kids have always been really good at adapting to new routines, new situations, etc. when we are traveling or start with new activities.  The last few weeks have been really busy between Great Grandma and Grandpa coming back from their winter in Arizona (so excited to have them in town BTW), Cayden finishing preschool and spring finally arriving in Bismarck and allowing for lots of time to play outside.

I didn't really realize just how busy we have been or how much running we had been doing, especially on the weekends, until Cayden woke up on Saturday.  He came out to the living room, half asleep and rubbing his eyes and asked me "Mommy, are we just going to stay home today?"  That made up my mind about running errands or doing anything that would require us to put real clothes on or even brush our teeth.  So, I hugged him and said "Yes dude, we are just going to stay home today."  He perked up, smiled and ran laughing into his room where he spent most of the day playing in his boxers.  Harper must have also been just as happy to stay home because she refused to wear any more clothes than her brother.  It was a good day!

What accessory goes with a pull-up and flip phone? Mommy's running shoes, of course!

Makes my heart melt :-)

Watching the rain coming down the drain pipe.  "Mommy it looks like a waterfall!"

Watching rain must be as captivating as watching it snow!

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