Thursday, February 7, 2013


Seriously, it's February?  Not quite sure how that happened or where in the @#%$ January went but yup, it's February alright.  Since getting back from Omaha on January 2nd, the kids and I have not left the house unless we absolutely have to because...BRRRRR it's f-ing cold outside (like 47 below zero cold out, for more than one day in a row)!  So what do you do in January, in ND, when it's so cold outside that your lungs freeze when you inhale?  You hang out at home, and bake, and craft, and mentally re-decorate your house, and buy items for your house because you know you realistically can't completely re-decorate, and finish house projects (OK, more like make your husband finish house projects because you are climbing the walls at about the same rate as the crazy little people) and pray for swimming lesson nights when your bigger kid can release all the excess energy that has built up all week because, oh yeah it's too cold to go outside.   

Thank you office white elephant gift exchange for giving us 30 minutes of fun with the masks before they all (and I mean every single one of the 10) broke.


New fashion trend...tutus with PJ's.  She also happens to be playing her favorite song on my iPhone for the 1billionth time! 


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