Tuesday, April 3, 2012

you'd think i'd would have learned

Apparently, some things just don't sink in very well for this mommy.  When Cayden heard me casually mention the word zoo he spent the whole following week (and the next week and a half) having a total meltdown every time he declared "I want to go to the zoo" and Mommy had to tell him that we couldn't go just yet.  He did NOT like my answer and absolutely did NOT care that it was too cold out, too dark out (oh yeah, he asked more than once during our 2am bathroom runs), that the zoo was closed, the animals are asleep, etc.  I tried everything including counting down the number of days until our planned trip, you know...the one that we had to skip because of the weather, but that did not work all that well on a 3 year old that can't quite count (backwards, anyway). 

After all of that, you'd think that I would know enough not to mention upcoming events or activities in his presence.  Nope, not this idiot!  I just had to mention to Jake, right in front of Cayden, that I had made plans for the circus this weekend.  As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I knew what I had done.  You also have to keep in mind that this kid remembers EVERYTHING!  Even when you have gotten comfortable thinking that he's forgotten about some promise of an outing, movie, toy, etc. that we have put off, he brings it up again.  What is my punishment for this major mistake, you ask?  Having to try and survive the inevitable meltdowns over not being able to go to the circus right this minute.  Dude, we have to wait until the circus is in town.  At least this activity is indoors and is something the weather cannot ruin for us.  Saturday, please come fast!

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