Friday, April 20, 2012

rain, rain go AWAY!

If I am going to keep my sanity (or my hair for that matter) it needs to stop raining so that we can get our lawn in and start playing outside at night.  I would even be happy being able to walk the kids up to the school to play at the playground for a while just to get Cayden out of the house.  This kid has been bouncing off the walls lately and it has to be because he has lots of days off from daycare and the weather has been too crappy to go outside. 

When I say bouncing off the walls, I mean he is going mock 2 with his hair on fire from the time he wakes up in the morning until he finally crashes at night.  He is talking fast, digging through the kitchen cupboards to find different snack, wanting to play with everything and doing his very best to make sure that his baby sister doesn't fall asleep when we put her down at night so that they can play a little longer.  I love that he wants to play with Harper right now but seriously, dude when she is in her crib and is already having trouble falling asleep it dose NOT make things easier when you go crawl in bed with her. 

He needs to be able to run this energy off outside soon or Mommy is going to COMPLETELY LOSE IT!

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