It may seem like I have completely abandoned my blog, but I promise I have not. Life is just not slowing down at all and finding the time to write has proven more difficult than I expected when I started this. Never-the-less, I have a story that I just had to write down so that I don't forget this incredibly special moment with my biggest kid.
Since Cayden started preschool nearly 2 years ago we have had a pretty standard schedule. I take my lunch break at work, pick him up at school and take him to daycare for the rest of the afternoon. I really enjoy getting to do this, even though it seems rushed and can interrupt my work day, because I get 20 minute of alone time with Cayden. I get to be the first one to see him after school, I get to be the one to see him excitedly run down the sidewalk and I get to be the first one to hear about his morning and all the fun things they did. When we get to daycare I take him inside, hang up his coat and make sure he washes his hands before we say our good-byes and he heads upstairs for lunch. We always say "I love you" before I leave and I usually get a fun good-bye from him where he tells me to "be fun at work" or "have a good day Mommy" which are always awesome to hear. We also always give hugs and kisses before he runs up the stairs. One day about a week ago, he was washing his hands and I needed to get back to work so we said "good-bye" and "I love you" but as I was walking out the door Cayden yelled "Mommy, wait!" I turned around and went back in the house and he looked at me (his hands still in the sink) and he said "Mommy, what about our kisses?" I had started to leave without giving him a kiss. It was one of the cutest and sweetest moments I can remember having with him. He gave me the biggest, tightest hug and the best kiss good-bye I think I will ever get. It still makes me smile thinking about this 2 minute interaction with my son that I will cherish and keep in mind when he is a teenager and doesn't want to be seen in public with me, let alone show affection in public.
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