Friday, February 28, 2014

the difference between boys and girls

The inherent difference between boys and girls has never been more evident than at my house last weekend.  Harper D was on her third wardrobe change of the day and was now wearing her Ariel jammies when she insisted that she wanted her hair curled with mommy's curling iron.  When I was done with her hair I had to curl mine too so that we matched.  Not even 30 minutes later Cayden came out of the bathroom after having just gone but before flushing the toilet and told me he needed my help (you can probably guess what I was thinking at this point).  He the asked me to lift the lid off the toilet tank because he wanted to see what would happen when he flushed the toilet.  After he watched the water I had to explain the way the toilet works. 

There you have it.  The best possible example of the difference between boys and girls.  Harper insisted that I curl her hair and mine while Cayden needed to know how the toilet works.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

what about our kisses

It may seem like I have completely abandoned my blog, but I promise I have not.  Life is just not slowing down at all and finding the time to write has proven more difficult than I expected when I started this.  Never-the-less, I have a story that I just had to write down so that I don't forget this incredibly special moment with my biggest kid.

Since Cayden started preschool nearly 2 years ago we have had a pretty standard schedule.  I take my lunch break at work, pick him up at school and take him to daycare for the rest of the afternoon.  I really enjoy getting to do this, even though it seems rushed and can interrupt my work day, because I get 20 minute of alone time with Cayden.  I get to be the first one to see him after school, I get to be the one to see him excitedly run down the sidewalk and I get to be the first one to hear about his morning and all the fun things they did.  When we get to daycare I take him inside, hang up his coat and make sure he washes his hands before we say our good-byes and he heads upstairs for lunch.  We always say "I love you" before I leave and I usually get a fun good-bye from him where he tells me to "be fun at work" or "have a good day Mommy" which are always awesome to hear.  We also always give hugs and kisses before he runs up the stairs.  One day about a week ago, he was washing his hands and I needed to get back to work so we said "good-bye" and "I love you" but as I was walking out the door Cayden yelled "Mommy, wait!"  I turned around and went back in the house and he looked at me (his hands still in the sink) and he said "Mommy, what about our kisses?"  I had started to leave without giving him a kiss.  It was one of the cutest and sweetest moments I can remember having with him.  He gave me the biggest, tightest hug and the best kiss good-bye I think I will ever get.  It still makes me smile thinking about this 2 minute interaction with my son that I will cherish and keep in mind when he is a teenager and doesn't want to be seen in public with me, let alone show affection in public.