Tuesday, July 31, 2012

where did my baby go?

OK, so I know my last post asked who is this creature referring to Harper who we now affectionately and frustratingly call Hurricane Harper but this week I now have to ask where did my baby go?  I had this horrible realization right around her first birthday that our house no longer had any babies and that we really don't even have two toddlers.  We now have a toddler and a preschooler.  I swear that at the exact moment I had this thought, Harper grew up.  It was like overnight she decided that she was a big girl and she even looked the part.  They say that your younger kids always do things a little sooner and seem to grow up a little bit faster because they are trying to keep up with their older siblings but I wasn't sure I really believed it.  I believe it now!  Maybe it's just the hair or mommy's crazy emotions (the Olympics are making me cry multiple times a day) or maybe she is just growing up too fast.

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